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6 Data-Driven Pitfalls to Avoid for Your Next Experiential Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

As brands pour more and more money into experiential marketing, the ability to get it right is more important than ever. To help ensure your next experiential event is a success, here are 6 data-backed pitfalls to avoid with insights from major research firms such as HBR and Adobe as well as global brands such as Mars and Jaguar. Based on macro and micro trends, these areas of strategic focus — from social media to software — illustrate key opportunities for experiential marketers to grow.

Watch our latest webinar, "Event & Experiential Trends in 2018: What Consumer  Experts Are Saying," and learn what major brands are doing to drive engagement  and lift sales.

  • Stop paying lip service to the consumer experience. According to Forrester, this year, 30% of companies will decline in consumer experience quality, missing a huge opportunity for growth. Tweet this stat!
  • Audience engagement should be the backbone of your event. According to Event Marketer, 81% of consumers were attracted to an experiential marketing activation due to a a free sample or other giveaway. Tweet this stat!
  • When brands integrate software into their experiential initiatives, they experience up to 30% lower costs, according to Enterprise Event Marketing. Tweet this stat!

6 Data-Driven Pitfalls Experiential Marketers Should Avoid [Infographic]

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