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How to finally bring XM and digital teams together with cutting-edge tech

Client service: the name of the game for every marketer. And if you work for an agency, it’s the core of your job, no matter where you are on the org chart or which team you work on.


Picture—or recall—this scenario: It’s report time following a campaign that included a big event activation at the end. The digital team has reams of data to work with: impressions, clicks, video views, downloads, dwell time, paid and organic reach, social engagement and more. Meanwhile, the XM team has attendance, interactions, contest sign-ups… starting points, but not great data points. Nothing close to the whole story. 


Yes, it was a sexy activation that looked cool when pitched and in practice. But the XM budget was 5X the digital budget, and the client is asking to know more about the ROI. Reporting that there were 10,000 attendees, 1,000 discussions, and 100 people supplied email addresses just doesn’t cut it. Because, in the end, the client only sees a quantifiable lead-gen rate of 1% on the vast majority of budget.


“Time’s up for experiential marketers to just drop something and see what happens,” says Limelight Platform CEO Terry Foster. “Everybody knows you can’t fly blind.”


That gap in XM reporting capabilities is a well-known problem. One that can lead to awkward conversations with clients and, internally, can impact integration between teams and even create tensions. The Limelight Platform has long helped on those fronts. But since acquiring spatial analytics powerhouse Meshh earlier this summer, it has pushed the needle even further.


Partnering with Limelight now means agencies have cutting-edge tech at their fingertips and can offer clients holistic XM reporting backed up by data that is better integrated with digital. With Limelight powering activations, stakeholders are able to track the full consumer journey and make real-time adjustments, and agencies can offer much more robust reporting.


It starts at the top of the funnel: How many people passed by an activation? How many stopped? How did they get there? How long did they engage with different environments? How many were repeat visitors? Now couple that info with industry-leading solutions that cover the bottom of the funnel: campaign design and management; data capturing and tracking; consumer engagement, contextual follow-ups; and results analysis. All wrapped up in an easy-to-digest, CRM-integrated dashboard.


For the first time, there’s a single partner that agencies can work with to provide a complete picture of XM activations, and back it all up with the kind of impactful data that was previously pretty much the sole domain of digital teams.


To learn more about what Limelight can do for agencies, reach out here.