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Mindset, Skillset, Toolset: How To Maximize the Results from Experiential Marketing [Infographic]

Marketers are always on the hunt for new ways to reach consumers. Simultaneously, consumers are less interested in what they have to say. So how can marketers entice the over-stimulated consumer in an authentic, engaging and emotional way, while still hitting their business objectives? 

Experiential has always been an effective marketing strategy, but it has become more desirable than ever before because of marketers' ability to measure it and integrate it into the 360 marketing mix. This holistic strategy is referred to as live marketing.

Live marketing encompasses not just the face- to- face event itself, but also leading up to and coming out of the experience.

The following infographic summarizes key insights from Forrester, Accenture, and Marketo, to arm you with the information you need to meet -- and exceed -- the heightened demands of the modern consumer. Take a look below:

  • 77% of consumers have paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience (Forrester). Tweet this stat!
  • High performers are 2.4x more likely to align marketing roles to the consumer journey (Salesforce). Tweet this stat!
  • 82% of marketers cannot quantify the data received from attendee interactions at their corporate events (Kissmetrics). Tweet this stat!

Mindset, Skillset, Toolset: Maximizing the Benefits of Live Marketing Infographic

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