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Limelight Platform


October 8, 2015

What Technology Matters to Marketers

Limelight Platform

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In business, change is constant - new trends, new approaches and new ways of running the business.

For marketers, one of the biggest challenges is trying to identify new technologies so they can improve how they operate and get better results.

At the same time, they need to figure out how to embrace new technologies without disrupting how their people do their jobs or how their systems operate.marketing-important

A recent survey by Spears Marketing Group looked at the technologies that marketers see as important. The list was led by content marketing, SEO, CRM and marketing automation.

Of particular interest is how marketers see what's important now and what's important in the future. For example, 85% of marketing currently see content marketing as important. But over the next 12 to 18 months, that figure drops to 60%.

This reflects the volatile landscape facing marketers, who are seeing their budgets scrutinized and reduced, as well as getting more demands to demonstrate return on investment.

For technology companies such as Limelight, it means working with marketers to address important issues.

Among the most important considerations are how technology can be integrated and how it can drive the business forward (aka more leads, more sales).

It is important for technology companies to really understand the needs of marketers and, as important, appreciate how they operate now and down the road.
78c7a8e7-c235-464f-b4d4-9835b579074bOne of the key issues for marketers is return on investment. In an increasingly data-driven world, there is nowhere for marketers to hide.

Everything they do is being tracked, measured and benchmarked against other activities. If a marketing program or campaign is not performing, marketers will know right away, and then be compelled to make strategic or tactical changes.

According to the Spears survey, 58% of marketers believe expect marketing automation to deliver the highest ROI. This was followed by content marketing (51%), SEO (36%) and lead lifecycle/attribution reporting (35%).

The support of marketing automation shows how marketers are looking to streamline operations and processes while connecting with consumers in more personalized and relevant ways. It's about connecting with consumers but doing so in ways that can be automated and scale without the need for additional resources.

With 2016 just around the corner, it will be interesting to see how the needs of marketers will change and how technology can meet their needs, goals and budgets.

At Limelight, we believe that live marketing automation will attract significant traction as marketers look for ways to get better ROI from events, conferences, test drives, sponsorships and more - anything that involves interactions with consumers.

It is exciting times but, at the same time, it is challenging times for marketers as they move forward.

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